Shortcodes Docs

Shortcodes Docs

row Documentation


the row container for any columns grid


1_12 Documentation


Columns 1/12


2_12 Documentation


Columns 2/12


3_12 Documentation


Columns 3/12


4_12 Documentation


Columns 4/12


5_12 Documentation


Columns 5/12


6_12 Documentation


Columns 6/12


7_12 Documentation


Columns 7/12


8_12 Documentation


Columns 8/12


9_12 Documentation


Columns 9/12


10_12 Documentation


Columns 10/12


11_12 Documentation


Columns 11/12


12_12 Documentation


Columns 12/12


is_mobile Documentation


Show the content in Mobiles only


is_tablet Documentation


Show the content in Tablets only


is_handheld Documentation


Show the content in Handheld Devices only


is_desktop Documentation


Show the content in Desktop only


float_left Documentation


Float Content Left


float_right Documentation


Float Content Right


center Documentation


Center Content


space Documentation


Leave a space of certain amount of pixels

[space height="50px"]


Height in Pixels

divider Documentation


Add an horizontal line divider


is_logged_in Documentation


Show Content only to logged in users


is_logged_out Documentation


Show Content only to logged out users


text Documentation


Add any text/HTML/Shortcodes in the Page builder

[text]Content [/text]

logo Documentation


Show the current logo "Mostly used in custom Header and footer"


last_updated Documentation


Show the Latest update date

[last_updated format="F j, Y \a\t G:i a" before="Last Updated" after="... Stay tuned"]

Date Format

Date Format, see This page for complete reference

Before Date

Text before the date

After Date

Text after the date

search Documentation


Add the search bar


sidebar Documentation


Display any sidebar in your website "usually used in the Page Builder"

[sidebar slug="sidebar"]


menu Documentation


Display Menu "usually used in headers and footers"

[menu location="main-nav" bg_mode="light-mode" style="default" responsive="responsive"]

Menu Location

This is the location you assign in the Menu Page "Apperance->Menu", You can add any other menus in Theme Options .. Menu Location

Background Color Mode

Choose the color mode based on where you are showing this menu, if you are placing it in header and it is dark, choose it dark to show the text color in white

Menu Style

Mini Menu

Mini Menu "usually fits in header topbar, outer bar and footer"


The Default View of the menu

Full Width

The Menu will take all the width available and devide the space into the menu items equally


The Menu will be centered in the available width taking the same space for element like the default "The Same as the default but it will be centered"


The Menu will be showen in a sidebar, you can choose the Menu widget

and it will appear in the sidebar like that


Choose your shortcode wheiter it will responsive or not

This is responsive

title Documentation


Add title, usually used in pagebuilder and inside articles/pages

[title title="Hello There" icon="icon-arrow-combo" link="#" class="class" id="ID"]


The title you want to show it

Title icon

Any icon to show before the title


If you want the text to be a link for another page.


Add class for targetting purpose

Title ID

Add ID for linking purpose.

dropcap Documentation


Add a Dropcap, "usually used in articles"


percentage Documentation


Show Percentage bar, usually used in pages and articles

[percentage percentage="80%" title="Photoshop"]

percentage in %

Add your Percentage in %, example: 80%


Add a title to describe this percentatge

ul Documentation


Add Unordered List, usually used to display list with special icons

[ul][li icon="icon-ok"]Li content 1[/li][li icon="icon-ok"]Li content 2[/li][li icon="icon-ok"]Li content 2[/li][li icon="icon-ok"]Li content 2[/li][/ul]

Li Float

If you want to float the li like a menu

Icon Color

If you want to apply a color at the icons of the lists

li Documentation


the list element in the ul shortcode

[li icon="icon-ok"]Li content 2[/li]


Choose the Icons you want to assign

Icon Color

Apply a color to the icon

input Documentation


Show Input field

[input placeholder="Username" id="username" icon="icon-user"]

Title text

the title for the input field

ID for input

Id for targeting the input "assigned also as a name"


The Icons is assigned in the right of the input field

textarea Documentation


a textarea field

[textarea placeholder="Mesasge" id="message"]

Placeholder text

the title for the input field

ID for texarea

Id for targeting the input "assigned also as a name"

button Documentation


the bootstrap button

[button color="btn-primary" size="btn-large" float="none" text="Button" link="#"]

Button Color

See this page for more info

Button Text

Button Text

Button Link

Button link

today Documentation


display today date


today_hijri Documentation


display today date in Hijri


box Documentation


display box for info/warning/success

[box type="info" title="Title" message="Hello there, this is the message"]

Box Type

choose the box type based on your purpose.

Box Title

Box Message

contact_form Documentation


display contact form

[contact_form name="Name" email="email" message="Message" send="Send"]

accordiongroup Documentation


Make an accordion tabgroup of tabs

[accordiongroup][accordion title="Title"]Tab content[/accordion][accordion title="Title"]Tab content[/accordion] [/accordiongroup]

accordion Documentation


Make a single tab

[accordion title="Title"]Tab content[/accordion]

Tab title

your documenation

toggle Documentation


Create a toggle for content

[toggle title="Title"]Toggle content[/toggle]

Tab title

your documenation

blog_mansory_mixed Documentation


[blog_mansory_mixed category="post" archive="false" title="false" posts_per_page="5" paging="load" order="DESC" orderby="date" meta_key="post_views_count" meta_value="comment"]

Post Type & Category

Choose the Post type and the category, you will find here all the registered post types in your wordpress

Follow Arhive Posts

If you are building a template using the page builder and want to use this shortcode and want it to follow the query of the current page wherever you are, enable this option. "Note: it will ignore the order settings"

Show Post Type/ Category title

Show the title for the current query, if it is category, it will show a title with the category link and icon, and if it is a all categories option, it will show the name of post type

Post ID

Add a post IDs seperated by , and it will show only these posts.

Number of Posts Per page

the number of posts per page you want to show, incase you are disabling the pagination, it will be the total number of posts showed

Paging Method

Add a pagination for posts or add a load more button for ajax loading or disable it.

Order Direction

Ascending or Descending

Order By

Order by a certain parameter, use "Meta Value Based" for the view, like, social share or rating order

Meta Value

Order by a certain custom meta key like the views count or like count

Meta data show

Show meta value in this post

blog_mansory_category Documentation


[blog_mansory_category category="post" archive="false" title="false" thumb_size="full" posts_per_page="5" order="DESC" orderby="date" meta_key="post_views_count" time_frame="all"]

Post Type & Category

Choose the Post type and the category, you will find here all the registered post types in your wordpress

Follow Arhive Posts

If you are building a template using the page builder and want to use this shortcode and want it to follow the query of the current page wherever you are, enable this option. "Note: it will ignore the order settings"

Show Post Type/ Category title

Show the title for the current query, if it is category, it will show a title with the category link and icon, and if it is a all categories option, it will show the name of post type

Post ID

Add a post IDs seperated by , and it will show only these posts.

Number of Posts Per page

the number of posts per page you want to show, incase you are disabling the pagination, it will be the total number of posts showed

Paging Method

Add a pagination for posts or add a load more button for ajax loading or disable it.

Order Direction

Ascending or Descending

Order By

Order by a certain parameter, use "Meta Value Based" for the view, like, social share or rating order

Meta Value

Order by a certain custom meta key like the views count or like count

Meta data show

Show meta value in this post

blog_mansory_category_2 Documentation


[blog_mansory_category_2 category="post" archive="false" title="false" thumb_size="full" posts_per_page="5" order="DESC" orderby="date" meta_key="post_views_count" time_frame="all"]

Post Type & Category

Choose the Post type and the category, you will find here all the registered post types in your wordpress

Follow Arhive Posts

If you are building a template using the page builder and want to use this shortcode and want it to follow the query of the current page wherever you are, enable this option. "Note: it will ignore the order settings"

Show Post Type/ Category title

Show the title for the current query, if it is category, it will show a title with the category link and icon, and if it is a all categories option, it will show the name of post type

Post ID

Add a post IDs seperated by , and it will show only these posts.

Number of Posts Per page

the number of posts per page you want to show, incase you are disabling the pagination, it will be the total number of posts showed

Paging Method

Add a pagination for posts or add a load more button for ajax loading or disable it.

Order Direction

Ascending or Descending

Order By

Order by a certain parameter, use "Meta Value Based" for the view, like, social share or rating order

Meta Value

Order by a certain custom meta key like the views count or like count

Meta data show

Show meta value in this post

blog_mansory_blog_wide Documentation


[blog_mansory_blog_wide category="post" archive="false" title="false" thumb_size="full" posts_per_page="5" order="DESC" orderby="date" meta_key="post_views_count" time_frame="all"]

Post Type & Category

Choose the Post type and the category, you will find here all the registered post types in your wordpress

Follow Arhive Posts

If you are building a template using the page builder and want to use this shortcode and want it to follow the query of the current page wherever you are, enable this option. "Note: it will ignore the order settings"

Show Post Type/ Category title

Show the title for the current query, if it is category, it will show a title with the category link and icon, and if it is a all categories option, it will show the name of post type

Post ID

Add a post IDs seperated by , and it will show only these posts.

Number of Posts Per page

the number of posts per page you want to show, incase you are disabling the pagination, it will be the total number of posts showed

Paging Method

Add a pagination for posts or add a load more button for ajax loading or disable it.

Order Direction

Ascending or Descending

Order By

Order by a certain parameter, use "Meta Value Based" for the view, like, social share or rating order

Meta Value

Order by a certain custom meta key like the views count or like count

Meta data show

Show meta value in this post

blog_mansory_blog_small Documentation


[blog_mansory_blog_small category="post" archive="false" title="false" thumb_size="full" posts_per_page="5" order="DESC" orderby="date" meta_key="post_views_count" time_frame="all"]

Post Type & Category

Choose the Post type and the category, you will find here all the registered post types in your wordpress

Follow Arhive Posts

If you are building a template using the page builder and want to use this shortcode and want it to follow the query of the current page wherever you are, enable this option. "Note: it will ignore the order settings"

Show Post Type/ Category title

Show the title for the current query, if it is category, it will show a title with the category link and icon, and if it is a all categories option, it will show the name of post type

Post ID

Add a post IDs seperated by , and it will show only these posts.

Number of Posts Per page

the number of posts per page you want to show, incase you are disabling the pagination, it will be the total number of posts showed

Paging Method

Add a pagination for posts or add a load more button for ajax loading or disable it.

Order Direction

Ascending or Descending

Order By

Order by a certain parameter, use "Meta Value Based" for the view, like, social share or rating order

Meta Value

Order by a certain custom meta key like the views count or like count

Meta data show

Show meta value in this post

blog_mansory Documentation


[blog_mansory category="post" archive="false" title="false" thumb_size="full" posts_per_page="5" order="DESC" orderby="date" meta_key="post_views_count" time_frame="all"]

Post Type & Category

Choose the Post type and the category, you will find here all the registered post types in your wordpress

Follow Arhive Posts

If you are building a template using the page builder and want to use this shortcode and want it to follow the query of the current page wherever you are, enable this option. "Note: it will ignore the order settings"

Show Post Type/ Category title

Show the title for the current query, if it is category, it will show a title with the category link and icon, and if it is a all categories option, it will show the name of post type

Post ID

Add a post IDs seperated by , and it will show only these posts.

Number of Posts Per page

the number of posts per page you want to show, incase you are disabling the pagination, it will be the total number of posts showed

Paging Method

Add a pagination for posts or add a load more button for ajax loading or disable it.

Order Direction

Ascending or Descending

Order By

Order by a certain parameter, use "Meta Value Based" for the view, like, social share or rating order

Meta Value

Order by a certain custom meta key like the views count or like count

Meta data show

Show meta value in this post

blog_classic Documentation


display articles in a photo -> title -> meta data -> excerpt/content -> tags

[blog_classic category="post" archive="false" title="false" thumb_size="full" posts_per_page="10" paging="load" col_count="1" order="DESC" orderby="date" meta_key="post_views_count" time_frame="all" featured_media="media_ajax" excerpt="excerpt" author_enable="name" date_enable="ago" comments_count_enable="yes" quick_read="yes" tags="yes" cat_enable="yes" like_enable="yes" view_count_enable="yes" social_count_enable="yes" review_enable="yes"]

Post Type & Category

Choose the Post type and the category, you will find here all the registered post types in your wordpress

Follow Arhive Posts

If you are building a template using the page builder and want to use this shortcode and want it to follow the query of the current page wherever you are, enable this option. "Note: it will ignore the order settings"

Show Post Type/ Category title

Show the title for the current query, if it is category, it will show a title with the category link and icon, and if it is a all categories option, it will show the name of post type

Post ID

Add a post IDs seperated by , and it will show only these posts.

Number of Posts Per page

the number of posts per page you want to show, incase you are disabling the pagination, it will be the total number of posts showed

Paging Method

Add a pagination for posts or add a load more button for ajax loading or disable it.

Order Direction

Ascending or Descending

Order By

Order by a certain parameter, use "Meta Value Based" for the view, like, social share or rating order

Meta Value

Order by a certain custom meta key like the views count or like count

Featured Media

Show Featured Image in this blog view

-Featured Image: Just featured Image

-Video Image "Ajax" or Featured Image: Featured Image or Video Image with ajax play

-Media "Image, Video, Gallery, Audio": Show the Featured Media for this post

-Media "Image, Video, Gallery, Audio" - Video with Ajax call: Featured media but the video will be loaded via ajax.

Article Excerpt

Show Excerpt or full content or disable this section in this blog view

Author representation

Show the author name, image and position in the meta settings on this post

Time/Date representation

Show the time in different settings in the meta settings on this post

Show Comments Count in meta settings

Show Comments count in meta data in this blog view

Show Quick Read Button

Enable Quick read button in this blog view

Show Tags

Show Tags in this blog view

Show Category in meta settings

Show Category in meta data in this blog view

Show Like Count in meta settings

Show Like button in the meta data in this blog view

Show View Count in meta settings

Show the View Count in the meta data in this blog view

Show Social Count in meta settings

Show the Social Count in the meta data in this blog view

Show Review Stars in meta settings

Show Review Stars in the meta data in this blog view

blog_slider Documentation


[blog_slider category="post" archive="false" thumb_size="full" posts_per_page="5" order="DESC" orderby="date" meta_key="post_views_count" time_frame="all" excerpt="no" author_enable="no" date_enable="ago" comments_count_enable="yes" cat_enable="yes" like_enable="yes" view_count_enable="yes" social_count_enable="yes" review_enable="yes"]

Post Type & Category

Choose the Post type and the category, you will find here all the registered post types in your wordpress

Follow Arhive Posts

If you are building a template using the page builder and want to use this shortcode and want it to follow the query of the current page wherever you are, enable this option. "Note: it will ignore the order settings"

Post ID

Add a post IDs seperated by , and it will show only these posts.

Number of Posts Per page

the number of posts per page you want to show, incase you are disabling the pagination, it will be the total number of posts showed

Order Direction

Ascending or Descending

Order By

Order by a certain parameter, use "Meta Value Based" for the view, like, social share or rating order

Meta Value

Order by a certain custom meta key like the views count or like count

Meta data show

Show meta value in this post

blog_4_col_slider Documentation


[blog_4_col_slider category="post" archive="false" title="false" posts_per_page="5" order="DESC" orderby="date" meta_key="post_views_count" time_frame="all" cat_enable="yes"]

Post Type & Category

Choose the Post type and the category, you will find here all the registered post types in your wordpress

Follow Arhive Posts

If you are building a template using the page builder and want to use this shortcode and want it to follow the query of the current page wherever you are, enable this option. "Note: it will ignore the order settings"

Show Post Type/ Category title

Show the title for the current query, if it is category, it will show a title with the category link and icon, and if it is a all categories option, it will show the name of post type

Post ID

Add a post IDs seperated by , and it will show only these posts.

Number of Posts Per page

the number of posts per page you want to show, incase you are disabling the pagination, it will be the total number of posts showed

Order Direction

Ascending or Descending

Order By

Order by a certain parameter, use "Meta Value Based" for the view, like, social share or rating order

Meta Value

Order by a certain custom meta key like the views count or like count

Meta data show

Show meta value in this post

blog_thumbnails Documentation


[blog_thumbnails category="post" archive="false" title="false" posts_per_page="5" order="DESC" orderby="date" meta_key="post_views_count" time_frame="all" excerpt="no" author_enable="no" date_enable="ago" comments_count_enable="yes" cat_enable="yes" like_enable="yes" view_count_enable="yes" social_count_enable="yes" review_enable="yes"]

Post Type & Category

Choose the Post type and the category, you will find here all the registered post types in your wordpress

Follow Arhive Posts

If you are building a template using the page builder and want to use this shortcode and want it to follow the query of the current page wherever you are, enable this option. "Note: it will ignore the order settings"

Show Post Type/ Category title

Show the title for the current query, if it is category, it will show a title with the category link and icon, and if it is a all categories option, it will show the name of post type

Post ID

Add a post IDs seperated by , and it will show only these posts.

Number of Posts Per page

the number of posts per page you want to show, incase you are disabling the pagination, it will be the total number of posts showed

Order Direction

Ascending or Descending

Order By

Order by a certain parameter, use "Meta Value Based" for the view, like, social share or rating order

Meta Value

Order by a certain custom meta key like the views count or like count

Article Excerpt

Show Excerpt or full content or disable this section in this blog view

Author representation

Show the author name, image and position in the meta settings on this post

Time/Date representation

Show the time in different settings in the meta settings on this post

Show Comments Count in meta settings

Show Comments count in meta data in this blog view

Show Category in meta settings

Show Category in meta data in this blog view

Show Like Count in meta settings

Show Like button in the meta data in this blog view

Show View Count in meta settings

Show the View Count in the meta data in this blog view

Show Social Count in meta settings

Show the Social Count in the meta data in this blog view

Show Review Stars in meta settings

Show Review Stars in the meta data in this blog view

blog_thumbnails_title Documentation


[blog_thumbnails_title category="post" archive="false" title="false" posts_per_page="5" order="DESC" orderby="date" meta_key="post_views_count" time_frame="all" excerpt="no" author_enable="no" date_enable="ago" comments_count_enable="yes" cat_enable="yes" like_enable="yes" view_count_enable="yes" social_count_enable="yes" review_enable="yes"]

Post Type & Category

Choose the Post type and the category, you will find here all the registered post types in your wordpress

Follow Arhive Posts

If you are building a template using the page builder and want to use this shortcode and want it to follow the query of the current page wherever you are, enable this option. "Note: it will ignore the order settings"

Show Post Type/ Category title

Show the title for the current query, if it is category, it will show a title with the category link and icon, and if it is a all categories option, it will show the name of post type

Post ID

Add a post IDs seperated by , and it will show only these posts.

Number of Posts Per page

the number of posts per page you want to show, incase you are disabling the pagination, it will be the total number of posts showed

Order Direction

Ascending or Descending

Order By

Order by a certain parameter, use "Meta Value Based" for the view, like, social share or rating order

Meta Value

Order by a certain custom meta key like the views count or like count

blog_titles Documentation


[blog_titles category="post" archive="false" posts_per_page="5" order="DESC" orderby="date" meta_key="post_views_count" time_frame="all"]

Post Type & Category

Choose the Post type and the category, you will find here all the registered post types in your wordpress

Follow Arhive Posts

If you are building a template using the page builder and want to use this shortcode and want it to follow the query of the current page wherever you are, enable this option. "Note: it will ignore the order settings"

Post ID

Add a post IDs seperated by , and it will show only these posts.

Number of Posts Per page

the number of posts per page you want to show, incase you are disabling the pagination, it will be the total number of posts showed

Order Direction

Ascending or Descending

Order By

Order by a certain parameter, use "Meta Value Based" for the view, like, social share or rating order

Meta Value

Order by a certain custom meta key like the views count or like count

blog_news_in_photos Documentation


[blog_news_in_photos category="post" archive="false" posts_per_page="5" order="DESC" orderby="date" meta_key="post_views_count" time_frame="all"]

Post Type & Category

Choose the Post type and the category, you will find here all the registered post types in your wordpress

Follow Arhive Posts

If you are building a template using the page builder and want to use this shortcode and want it to follow the query of the current page wherever you are, enable this option. "Note: it will ignore the order settings"

Post ID

Add a post IDs seperated by , and it will show only these posts.

Number of Posts Per page

the number of posts per page you want to show, incase you are disabling the pagination, it will be the total number of posts showed

Order Direction

Ascending or Descending

Order By

Order by a certain parameter, use "Meta Value Based" for the view, like, social share or rating order

Meta Value

Order by a certain custom meta key like the views count or like count

breaking_news Documentation


[breaking_news source_type="posts" category="post" archive="false" posts_per_page="5" order="DESC" orderby="date" meta_key="post_views_count" time_frame="all"]

Source Type

Select the source of the breaking news


Title for the breaking news

Post Type & Category

Choose the Post type and the category, you will find here all the registered post types in your wordpress

Follow Arhive Posts

If you are building a template using the page builder and want to use this shortcode and want it to follow the query of the current page wherever you are, enable this option. "Note: it will ignore the order settings"

Post ID

Add a post IDs seperated by , and it will show only these posts.

Number of Posts Per page

the number of posts per page you want to show, incase you are disabling the pagination, it will be the total number of posts showed

Order Direction

Ascending or Descending

Order By

Order by a certain parameter, use "Meta Value Based" for the view, like, social share or rating order

Meta Value

Order by a certain custom meta key like the views count or like count

social_bar Documentation


Display the social icons added in theme options->Social


social_box Documentation


Display the social icons with counters configured in theme options -> social.


twitter Documentation


Show the last tweets for a certain user Learn About Creating Apps in Twitter API 1.1


twitter_li Documentation


the same as twitter shortcode but it exports the tweets in li "fits for breaking news shortcode"


flickr Documentation


Flickr Stream for a certain ID


youtube Documentation


Display Youtube Video just add the video ID and you are good to go


vimeo Documentation


Display Vimeo Video just add the video ID and you are good to go


dailymotion Documentation


Display Dailymotion Video just add the video ID and you are good to go


video Documentation


Display regular video add the video src


video5 Documentation


Add HTML5 video player


audio Documentation


Add Audio player


soundcloud Documentation


Add Sound Cloud Audio


ad_728x90 Documentation


Adverise with the size of 728x90

[ad_728x90]ad content [/ad_728x90]

ad_468x60 Documentation


Adverise with the size of 468x60

[ad_468x60]ad content [/ad_468x60]

ad_300x250 Documentation


Adverise with the size of 300x250

[ad_300x250]ad content [/ad_300x250]

ad_300x50 Documentation


Adverise with the size of 300x50 - this is perfect for mobile ads

[ad_300x50]ad content [/ad_300x50]